Til sölu vel með farinn Avalon Viviane (fiber-bátur), finnsk gæðaframleiðsla. Báturinn er 581cm að lengd, 25kg. Hann hefur stýri og skegg.
Fylgihlutir með bátnum:
Ár, neopren-svunta, toppur (L), buxur (L), skór(44) og vesti, strobe-ljós, áralúffur, áraflot og sjópoki.
“The Viviane is long and fast -- designed for advance paddlers who demand the most from a kayak in all conditions. It features a lower, rounder deck to minimize wind and wave force in rough conditions. The Avalon Viviane has proven itself in waters all over the earth--from the arctic to the tropics. Winner of numerous races including the marathon Arctic Sea Kayaking Race, held annually off the coast of Norway.”
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Áhugasamir sendið línu á hundur77@hotmail.com
Báturinn selst með öllu á 250 þúsund.